These are the people that have helped make this event happen. Tomorrow they will contribute to V2_ AR Ecosystem by presenting & hosting you throughout the program.
Speakers & hosts will participate in and/or facilitate the interactive parts & harvests of our gathering.
Christina Rittchen is Communications Manager at Mobilizy, the original AR visionaries who developed Wikitude. At V2_ AR Ecosystem we may get an exclusive glimpse at the brand-new Wikitude 4 and first-hand insights into how Austria is pushing AR forward.
Claire Boonstra hardly needs any introduction. But if you are new to AR: Claire is co-founder of Layar, the latest success story from the Netherlands and its pioneer in AR. Layar offer the first global mobile augmented reality browser and have so far inspired some 1200 active developers, some of whom we expect to have with us on Friday. Layar won the Vodafone Mobile Start-Up Challenge at Picnic 09 and have this week hit the headlines once again:
Truus Dokter of ItFits will share latest developments on how the fashion industry is being impacted by wearable technology and AR. She also represents Second Sight trend magazine and will review V2_ AR Ecosystem for trend & ideas leaders PSK platform.
Willi Schroll is a futurologist from Berlin and manager at Strategic Labs. His talk for V2_ AR Ecosystem is likely to focus on "AR Citizenship". In July 2008 Willi predicted 'mixed reality' as a future iphone standard.
Jan Misker is project manager for V2_ AR at V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media.
He will welcome you and give an overview of V2_'s activities and the state of AR.
Artm Baguinski is a software engineer at V2_ Lab and co-organiser for V2_ AR Ecosystem. He will contribute to the interactivity at the event.
AR+RFID Lab & The Royal Academy of Art in The Hague will share AR examples, including a recently exhibited piece by Ferenc Molnar entitled Disturbing Foresights, in collaboration with TU Delft. Contributors include Wim van Eck, Melissa Coleman, Jachim Rotteveel and Yolande Kolstee.
Carl William Kerchmar is a trend analyst, scenario planner & concept visualiser who co-organised V2_ AR Ecosystem and will give a short inspirational talk about the future of AR.
Kim van Rijt is a recent student of KaosPilots Netherlands and Social Work graduate. An accomplished process facilitator, she will support the V2_ AR team in hosting our guests. Her focus is now on bringing her talents and passion for learning into the field of Interior Design.
Kwela Sabine Hermanns graduated with an MA in HyperMedia Studies at University of Westminster in London and co-organised V2_ AR Ecosystem. She will stage-manage the event, shout out instructions and generally do whatever she can to make you happy & make this event historic :-)
V2_ Volunteers will help put food in your stomach and serve you drinks at the bar, amongst other appreciated help.
Special thanks to MultimediaN who has been part of the V2_ AR Ecosystem from the beginning.

And those I forgot ... or any incorrect / incomplete information will be mentioned / rectified tomorrow! We look forwARd to hosting you!
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